Friday, January 27, 2012


"Come walk with me," the madman said,
"I'll show you all my dreams:
Defeat, destruction, dark despair --
'D' stands for many things."
And so I left my darkling bed
To follow where he trod,
'Mid noisome, dank, and gruesome days,
Pestilence and blood.
It was not mine, and yet I owned
A fellow-feeling still:
The spectre of a starving child
I crushed beneath my heel.
The madman crowed, "It's mine you'll be
Before these dreams are done!
I'll reign the world through you, I shall,
At darkening of the sun."
He raised his cloak and swept his arm
Across the dreary land;
Discord and debauchery
Trailed, dripping, from his hand.
In fascinated horror I felt
The urge within me grow
To know this power, to call it mine,
To topple with one blow
All mewling, whining, piteous cries
For mercy or a crust;
To turn all those who cried for love
Into degraded dust.
He grinned at me and I grinned back.
The power within me flowed.
The memory of the spectre-child
Served as my ego-goad.
The stench grew noisome as we trod
Through diabolic days.
A cross-roads came; four horsemen sat;
I waved them on their ways.

Apocalypse and Ragnarok:
For both I was the source.
And as we strode the sun went red;
The rivers changed their course.
Of all things, now, I was the lord,
Both universe and man.
And then a small sound caught my ear;
I paused and stayed my hand.
A festering heap that once had been
A woman or a boy
At one who knelt above it looked
With peace akin to joy.
"What do you here? No difference,
Your actions thought to ease!"
He shrugged and smiled -- a maddening look --
Continued as he pleased.
My madman lost his dire grin;
He struck the kneeler down.
His look which once was dreadful glee
Became a frightened frown.
I puzzled this for unknown time.
The land fled from my sight
In telescopic brilliance.
The day replaced the night.

It was my room, both spare and cold,
Of that there was no doubt.
Through bare glass pane the dawning sun
Had put my dreams to rout.
I stumbled to the bath,
Into the mirror peered.
The damned madman, grin in place:
Through my own eyes he leered.
And then the kneeler took his place,
Shrugged once, smiled briefly. Gone.
My face, none else. I was three-in-one.

My choice which definitions, then,
For 'D' shall fall or stand.
Despair, deliverance, dread, delight --
All gather in my hand.

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